create a blog blog

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Posting pictures to a blogspot blog

Blogger now has an easy way to post pictures to your blogspot blog. There is an icon in the posting window that you can click that opens the dialog box to do so.
All the help you need is on blogger help

The left, center and right options will determine how the text of your post flows around the pictures. This size option lets you scale the pictures to different sizes within this posting area. Note that the picture will still be uploaded in its full size; this option just determines how it is scaled within the content of your post.

I posted this picture using this process.

Monday, January 31, 2005

RSS ATOM Feed added

I used the intructions on the Spy Journal Tech Tips site to add an ATOM RSS Feed to this blog.
The link to subscribe is

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I invited Doug to join this blog as a member

I have just used the instructions over on the Blog Tips site to invite Doug to join this site as a contributor.
I really hope he comes and writes some good helpful stuff on creating a blog.

I have also added some google ads - I won't explain how to do that just yet.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

How to create a post in a blog

I just made this post by using the easy to follow step by step instructions over at the Spy Journal Blog Tips site.

Feel free to head over there and check out how to create a blog.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Spy Journal Blog Tips

This blog was created as a sample blog using the help found on Spy Journal Blog Tips

How to create a blog using Blogger Part 1
How to create a blog using Blogger Part 2

Hullo World

...opens eyes and looks around...